We encourage AA groups using the BBSS meeting format to consider hosting (or co-hosting) a future convention in your area. Seed money and the convention domain bbssconvention.org are available to help your group get started! A guide for long-range planning are available in this PDF document.

Our site is guided by the 12 Traditions and supports A.A.’s singleness of purpose. In a spirit of cooperation but non-affiliation, only A.A. meetings are listed here. For links to other BBSS meeting sites and schedules, click the OTHER BBSS SITES button.

ANNOUNCEMENT The speaker seeker for a BBSS online meeting out of Minsk, Belarus, is looking for non-local speakers (Russian speaking - excellent; English - OK) for sharing at their online BBSS meeting Wednesdays, 5:00p UTC (noon EST). The contact is 7019828htc@gmail.com OR via WhatsApp: whatsapp/viber/telegram +375293588851